Monday, December 23, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

      Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. Everything is just wonderful this time of year! Family, Friends, Songs, Warmth, Love, and of course the ciaos.
     Hunter is old enough to really enjoy the Christmas season this year, and making it seem so much more exciting!! I truly wanted to take a second to remember some of the amazing things Hunter is doing now. He is really into Christmas music (like his momma), loves to help turn on the Christmas tree, light all the candles, and even snuck some cookie dough while making cookies yesterday. He is truly such a delicate soul and enjoys every min of opening gifts and spending time with family. I love it that he takes 5 min to open 1 gift and then wants to play with it right away, which I am letting him do. No sense in all the hurry, plus I get to enjoy watching him longer:)
    As if he doesn't melt our hearts enough, last week he started saying "I love you too mommy". It has to be the best sound in the world!! When he was a baby a smile here and there got him by, but not sure how I got through without the "I love you too", after we tell him we love him. We are so amazed at how much he has grown both mentally and physically in a month. He has grown what feels like 2 inches and understands so much more. He says 123 and 78910 in a row now, and knows a few colors when helped. Here's a story I don't want to forget.

* So Hunter has been rather confused the past few weeks about Christmas. Since it was just his birthday. He sees the presents and asks for birthday cake. We keep telling him that his birthday is over, and that its Jesus's birthday now (he has convinced me to make birthday muffins tonight).
Well this morning, I told him again it wasn't his birthday anymore and that Jesus's birthday was in 2 wake ups. The conversation went like this:
Me: Jesus's birthday is in 2 wake ups.
H: with excited face, " me touch Jesus"
Me: "Well you can't touch or see Jesus, but you can feel him in your heart"
H: with another excited look " I can feel Jesus in my farts!"
Me: " No, with your heart sweetheart"
H: "Ohhhh" and grabs his jacket at his heart and grins.
He is such a silly goofy little boy, but has a huge heart for love and giving. I can't imagine sharing the love and excitement of Christmas without him.

Taylor and I decided that he grew into a little man in the past month... Here is our "not such a baby anymore little man"...
Have a very Merry Christmas! Wishing you Love, Peace, Good Health, and Joy thoughout this Christmas and Holiday Season!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Dear Hunter, (I can't belive you are 2)

Dear Hunter,

         Happy 2nd Birthday Big Boy! You simply bring more happiness to your daddy and me, than we could have ever imagined. This past year has been the best yet! You finally learned to walk at 18 months, and just a few days ago started running with a little more grace. Your language is far above others your age, and your personality is so much brighter than most. You talk all the time, and repeat EVERYTHING we say. You love animals and being outside!You enjoy dancing and singing along with cat in the hat. You are energetic, sometimes loud, loving, and sensitive. You enjoy being the center of attention (and we let you).

         Your favorite things right now are tractors, trucks, trains, and combines. Your favorite toy is your power wheel tractor. You still and always have enjoyed reading books to mommy, and for mommy to read to you. We read several books a night, and you have started repeating the words. Just last night we read “Old Hat New Hat” and you repeated every word and laughed at the end. 
        Your two year appointment was a few days ago, you weigh 30lbs and 35 1/2 inches. I am so proud and excited to say that for the first time ever you are above the 50 percentile at 84% for height and 74% for weight. 
        You enjoy your food and snacks. I am not sure you have a favorite food right now, because you will literally eat anything we give you. You have started asking for ketchup and mustard to dip things in and you go to the fridge and beg for pickles and green olives. Chocolate still doesn't agree with you and well really sweets in general are not good to you. In moderation sweets are OK, but you rarely get to have a bite of something chocolate, as you will cry for hours.

       You are so sweet, kind and caring toward everyone. When another child is crying you will stand by them until you know they are ok. Although you are still a little boy, that gets in trouble frequently for getting into things you are still an amazing child.  I pray you continue to be as sweet, kind, and caring as you are now with wisdom, strength, and courage to follow your dreams whatever they may be.Being your mom is an honor I take pride in it and always will. We are so thankful for the joy and happiness you bring to our life, and of course all the lessons learned.

Love you Always and Forever!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

From 1 to "2"

Hunter turned 2 over the weekend, and it got me thinking how much changes over the course of a year with a little one. Heck within a couple month he went from a baby to a walking talking little boy. Hunter has serously brought us so much joy and happiness throughout the past year. Neatness to say Hunter was not an easy baby nor very flexible.  But though the year he grew a lot healthier, flexible (sometimes), and of course smarter.
With H everything and everyone he comes in contact with has a place, and he will let you know if you or something is out of place.
We have a pretty srict bedtime of 7:30pm, he takes a good nap during the day and awake by 7 each morning. He loves his daycare and all the kids! 
He loves to make people laugh even though he knows he will get in trouble. Talks literally non stop even in his sleep. Knows what seems like every sound, and repeats everything you say....husband with no filter=child that will get in trouble with momma for saying bad words. He is still a great eater, and eats just about everything we give him! He is adapting climbing skills in climbing over the bed railing, on to counters, and over couches. Most days it's a "catch me if you can" look from him before he gets in trouble. Although we are still telling him NO  a lot, he really gets upset when he realizes he did do something wrong, and breaks his heart when he notices he may of hurt someone. He's quick to say I am sorry and gives big hugs after. 

I am sure I will think of other things I want to remember like idk he just went though 3 shoe sizes in 5 months! And he's almost 3ft tall (I will update specifics after his appointment tomorrow). For now here are a few pictures from his birthday party.

*I want to thank one of my best friends for taking most of these pictures! No way would I have been able to capture these memories! Also thank you again for helping me all day and decorating the cupcakes! Couldn't have done it without you! 
Hunter is one blessed child to have so many friends and family that care about him!!

These are randoms from his actual birthday. Eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, relaxing watching bugs life, "driving" with help, and he top right is modeling a few b-day presents. 

No words for this one...

Found these of Taylor and I... Still can't decide who he looks like more?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Almost 2"

         Hunter repeated me this morning when I told him he was "almost two". He just grined and kept saying it.
         It's absolutely crazy that he will be two in a month! I really wanted to capture this time, and document all the things he's doing. He is so interactive now with other people and things. He loves the little details of the smallest tractor or toy, and knows the different parts better than me. As I just told a friend, if I could interest him in ABSs and 123s like he takes to trucks and tractors, he would be the smartest two year old out there. He repeats EVERY word we say, or at least attempts to. He's favorite phase right now is "oh man". He says it several times a day in just about every appropriate situation. He hits his head or drops something it's "oh man", then he just laughs! 
      He's always been a kid that liked a set schedule and stuck to it, and I think that has become more important recently. He is and really always has been like a clock with everything. He wakes between 6-6:30 everyday and the first thing he always says is "nola bot" which is granola bar. It's like he won't even smile until he has a granola bar in hand. Everyday he takes a 1-2 hour nap around 1ish and eats dinner at 6pm, and asks to go to bed by 7:15, and if we are home, he is asleep by 7:45. He has always liked his sleep, and if he didn't get it we would pay. 
      Hunter loves animals especially Aspen and our cat. He really just loves to be outside, like he always has. He is really in to "Cat in The Hat" right now, and is our go to show on Saturday mornings, when we aren't ready to be up at 6. 
      Hunter started "self" potty training this summer. It wasn't anything I was ready for, but he has started asking more frequently and going several times a day on the potty. So excited that he's interested, and hope to maybe be done in a month or so ( but I am not pushing it at all). 
      He says please with most things with very few prompts and will say thank ya or no thank ya for just about everything. It probably the cutest trick he has! 
      We have had an amazing, wonderful, and busy summer! It's not like our fall will be any less busy, but at least the temps are cooler, and I can tolerate playing outside more. Fall is absolutely hands down my favorite season! The crisp morning air, jackets, jeans, my seat warmer, and coffee! Also I love a baby in jeans, and Hunter rocks them well! This season also means that Taylor's work starts to slow down, and we see him more (which makes my world complete). 

Here are a few pic from this past weekend...
Hartsburg pumpkin Fest.... My favs from the festival. Blakley and Hunter are too cute.

Hunter kissin on Aspen and Kitty. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

22 months

       Not sure if I have said this before, but our baby isn't a baby anymore. Hunter has truly amazed me the last few months. He has turned into a full blown toddler. The things he understands and can remember simply put me in awe. He now remembers things that happened over a week, and somethings over a month ago! Like specific things like the cardinal taking a bath in the bird bath at nana's... He remembers it like it was yesterday (it was almost 2 months ago). He then will relate the cardinal to the cardinal I have on my STL turvis. Just crazy to me what he absorbs, and how fast he is learning. 
      He knows the difference between a tractor, combine, and a farm truck along with the difference between cars, trucks, buses, bikes, and "big trucks". I know these are obvious thing, but it has been so fun watching his little brain spin. Last night we were over at nana and papas and I asked Hunter "what's your name", And hunter said "name is Hunter". Papa said "you sure are sharp", and hunter just grinned! He has started singing along with me, in the evening when we sing bedtime songs and old hymns ( honestly because I don't know an lullabies).
       He asks for hugs and kisses all the time now, and it melts my heart! He's got the softest heart, hardest head, and most determined personality. He gets mad when you tell him no, just like another child, but it doesn't last long before he's on to something else. He never stops thinking about others, and wants to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be ( in his mind). Every night we pray for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. And every night he picks someone different to focus on. Last night he said "Hol-ly Blak-ey savf and helphie" (Holly Blakley safe and healthy). If he sees and child crying, he will walk up to them, and sometime will touch them, just to make sure they are ok. 
     We did have some sleep issues last week. I think it was a combination of Taylor and I both being gone the week before, and too much going on. It seemed like he was scared to sleep, and when he did fall asleep he would start screaming, like it was a night terror or something. We seemed to have fixed it, by getting back on our normal routine, taking milk away from dinner, and adding more books and prayer to bedtime. He seems to be sleeping good now.
    I could go on and on about how wonderful I think Hunter is. We are truly blessed beyond comprehension! 
1st trip to the river and on a boat (he loved every second of it)

Random pictures (i haven't been the best at taking pictures this summer)
Top is playing with gaga at her new camp site, bottom left is a quick pic I took at our high school homecoming last week, and bottom right is H just playing in our back yard (that's his "cheese" face)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

St. George Island, Florida

     On July 27th we embarked on one 3rd trip to Florida with Taylor's family. The trip is a Christmas gift from his parents and I guess ourselves to just enjoy each others company for a week and attempt to relax. Taylor, Hunter and I drove this year. It was about a 15 hour drive, and Hunter did really good considering...really what kid would love to be strapped in a car seat for 15 hours? Anyway he watched a lot of sesame street, cat in the hat, and truck pulls on YouTube. And we all made it safely down any back without any major problems. We had a blast! Hunter is an absolute water bug, loving the ocean & pool. My favorite thing about the week is we got to spend a lot of time together meaning we got to see Taylor for an entire week, Hunter was in heaven with both of us there, and of course grandma and poppy. He really didn't warm up to everyone else until the end of the week, but he enjoyed trying to keep up with the girls. 
     Well my water camera broke half way through the week, so I lost a lot of cool pictures. But I was thankful that it wasn't the end of the week, and was still able to make up the lost pictures with my other camera. 

Florida photo bomb...
                                                            Playing at the pool
                                              Hangin out at the beach and pool
               Entire family and one you can't see... another niece due in December!! So excited!
                                  Family pics and grandma and poppy with grand kids 
                      All 4 grand kids: clockwise- Mickayla 5, Bella 3, Rylee 3, and Hunter 1
                                               A few of my favorites of Hunter playin
of course there are many more I didn't post, but just can't post them all.

We really had a great time, and so thankful to be able to spend this time with family!

Friday, July 26, 2013

20 Months

     Can my baby always be my baby? I know we are a few days past 20 months, but I really wanted to capture this time. Hunter is an amazing little boy, with such a huge personality.  He's funny, smart, loving, caring and a "helper". He is really following directions well (when he wants to), can count to 3, knows just about every animal sound including, bear, deer, and "what does a tractor do", loves to give high fives, and knuckles, he also loves dirt, water, trucks, tractors, gators, and well anything that has a motor and the bigger the better. He is totally all boy and I love it, He finally enjoys riding in the car, and has really opened up to strangers lately. Before he would freak out of someone came near him, now he just smiles and waves usually says bye bye to everyone ( include the guy cutting the bushes at the grocery store. I truly love this stage he in! I find myself staring at him frequently wondering how we have raised such an amazing little boy so far. 

    These are a few pictures I captued when he was 18 months, and haven't been able to slow him down enough to get many more good ones.

Here's a few of Hunter watching tractors (a completely favorite thing to do)!

Top left: checking out the gator, top right: sittin on the gator with Nana and Papa (Hunter's great grandparents) bottom left: watching the tractors pull with Taylor, and bottom right: taking a walk with Nana.

And I had to post this one, just to show how big he is! This was almost exactly a year ago, he was 8 months old, right was just a few days ago...


       The 4 th of July is my dads birthday and the 5th is my father in laws birthday. Neat less to say, we had a lot to celebrate! Two of most amazing fathers to have in our life's. They are both totally in love and proud of their families, and it shows in there face, and in there voice when they speak. My dad turned the big 50, and he had a big party for him. I am not sure how old Myrl is,but he doesn't look a day of 30 :)

Hunter adores "Bapa", and wants to do everything and go everywhere with Bapa. These are just a few from the day, and the top left he is playing with cousin Matthew on the forklift. 

       Hunter also loves spending time with "Poppy". And Poppy will do just about anything Hunter asks, and doesn't without question and with more patients then I can imagine. Top left shows just that... Hunter is lowering the gate on the gator for the one thousandths time, and each time poppy would help him. We celebrated Poppy's birthday 40 lbs of crab legs ( even though we didn't eat all 40), and bottom right is Bella trying to catch a quick nap in the pool.

     After a long fabulous weekend, I was blessed/humbled/thankful to be able to celebrate 6 years since my kidney transplant! Without Dana (my generous cousin) I would not be the person I am today. She gave me a life full of health and happiness, and it is though God that she gave so selflessly! Since the transplant I finished my undergraduate degree, got married, received my masters, had a baby, and have started a career! I ask each of you that may read this to consider giving  "life" at some point in your life. I am so beyond blessed! Praise The Lord, for all that he has given us!

Dana and I on our 6th anniversary (July 9th)

4th of July Fun and Family

   For the week leading up to the 4th, we had family from Texas and Georgia here. It is always so wonderful to see them, eat (my uncles don't go anywhere without fixing amazing food), and just catch up. On the actually day of the 4th, we went to the park. My grandpa was being honored with a quilt of valor, and most of the family was able to be there, which was really special. My grandparents don't say much, but you could tell they were beaming with pride over his service, and the family they created. 

Top: All 4 quilt valor recipients with the peace makers quilters, bottom left: grandpa quilt being presented to him, bottom right: my grandparents (granny is 91 today).

Top left: 4 generations, my mom, hunter, grandpa, and myself, top right: my mom and her siblings, 
Bottom left: Hunter's first sucker ( of course it was blue), bottom right: Becca, Jack, Hunter and I

The fireman of course have there volleyball tournament every year, so we watch for awhile.
Then went home, took naps, and went back to town later for more food, family, and fireworks. Hunter was not a fan of the fireworks. Although he did fall asleep on Taylor's lap before the big fireworks even began, and slept right through them (its very rear that he will fall asleep on one of us, and unheard of to even close his eyes when in crows), he was one exhausted baby! 

Top left:grandchildren on Taylor's side (Rylee, Hunter, Mickayla, and Bella)
Top right: Hunter about to fall asleep on Taylor, bottom left: I couldn't resist Bella's face, bottom right: the 3 of us right before fireworks. 

We had a great day followed by an awesome weekend of birthdays and a very important anniversary!

Monday, July 1, 2013

June...The Unofficial Start of Summer

      Gosh so many things are going on right now in life, I am not sure I can remember everything. Hunter is growing into a little boy...Where did my baby go? He is everywhere these days. He loves climbing and riding on anything that moves, the faster the better. He is really starting to follow verbal direction really well. Know what he wants and when he wants it. We are in cloth diapers full time now, and actually went pee on the potty last week! Went camping a few weeks ago and had a blast. Loves his daddy most, and  is really missing him when he's gone. Pictures speak louder than words so here's a big photo dump...

Camping with Chris, Holly, and Blakley at Aarow Rock State Park

 Hunter's 1st Marshmallow 

1st Official hair cut

Start of Summer Fun

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Baby Steps

Just a few days shy of 18 months we now have a walker on our hands! Well, by walker I mean he is taking a few steps and is excited about it. I am just so proud, not going to lie I was starting to get a little concerned. Let the fun begin! Gosh I love this little man to pieces.

Terrible picture I know, but I think this is how they will be for awhile now that we are movin!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hunter is 17 months!

         Although I do wish time could slow down most days, I enjoy watching how much he changes daily. One day I just picked him up from daycare and he was no longer a baby. He is so fun to be around, and he knows he's funny. He laughs at just about anything we say, talks no stop. He has started saying full sentences of complete gibberish ( I love it) while also trying to repeat every word we say. He is so close to walking, it's driving me crazy! He can climb off and on things, around and under things, and if encouraged enough he will stand for a couple seconds without holding on! I can only hope he remains this cautious through his childhood. He will eat anything put in front of him, but his favorite is graham crackers and bananas. He loves being outside, and most days has a fit when we come in. Like any other farm boy he enjoys tractors, trucks, cows, dogs, chickens, and of course dirt. Even will say boooo for a cow and wack wack for a duck. It's crazy how much he absorbs and learns so quickly now. We started swim lessons a few weeks ago, and he of course loves the water. Started going under this week, and getting in and out of the pool. He enjoys it for the most part, just a lot of distractions around the pool. Ready for summer swimming at the lake and even the ocean.
Hunter is such a kind hearted child. He truly aims to please and love. He loves to share his toys and even food:) He gets his feelings hurt easy, but forgives just as quick. There's such innocence about him, that hate to see him grow up and see the bad things in life. There's so much hope, wonder, and love in a child's eyes. It's hard not to wonder what it would like if we all had that hope and love, what the world would be like.

Playng in the mud with Grandpa, on the Gator, in the park, and opening his Easter Basket

Life update...Easter & Birthdays

      So as you can see an lot has happened in the past month, I mean where did it even go?


        Our holidays are always filled with family, friends, travel, and most times exhaustion. Although we have a blast, it takes Hunter a few days to get back in the swing of things. I think this year we had 5 Easters to attend in 2 weekends. Hunter was a blast this year hunting eggs, once he figured out how to pick them up and put them in his bucket there was no stopping him!

Our Fire Family Easter.. Top Left: all the firemen's kids... Bottom Right: Hunter, Lynden, and Lexi

The Young Family Easter.. Hunter playing with Bubbles, Hunter showing Jack Gaga's baby chicks.

Easter Sunday.. Top is the Frink Family (well the immediate Frink family... Bottom Left is Mom Dad, Cody, Taylor, Hunter, and I.. .and Bottom right is before church (before drool got on the shirt)

Markland Family Easter... I don't remember the last time we took a picture together (with most of us there).

      My mom and brother share a birthday 30 years apart... I won't say how old my mom is but my brother turned 21, you do the math:) Taylor also has a birthday a week later. Last year we had big parties for both mom and Taylor, so mom wanted to do a birthday party for Cody and Taylor ( my mom loves Taylor that much). We did and fish and nut fry with a beer tower and cup cakes for dessert. I think both enjoyed the time, and my mom is the best at throwing parties.

Friday, March 29, 2013

They keep sayin'

Spring is around the corner.Well I am not sure I believe it!
Who would with a forecast like this...

     I don't know whether I need to get out snow boots or flip flops. And I just washed and packed away all of our snow suits, so I guess we won't be playing in the snow if it does decide to come back. I will be the first to admit I love snow and really all the chores that come with it, but really I am ready for spring to come and stay! I know I really shouldn't be complaining, after all it is just March. But we are ready to spend some quality time outside! This is what I got when we came in last night from playing... I think this kid could live outside if we let him!

*On a side note: The "drought" classification for Missouri was lifted yesterday! First time since May of last year! Good news for crops, now if it just would dry up a bit to get them in the ground.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow Daze....

    As you may have noticed, Missouri has been slammed with snow the past few days. Last week (2.21.13) we stayed home and anticipated a huge snow storm. To my surprise we got about 13" in about 7 hours. Thunder snow and lightning, whiteout conditions, and the biggest flakes I've ever seen! I love snow, the larger amounts the better. I also love a paid day or two off work to spend with Hunter (that I will take any day). We had an absolute blast those few days. Dancing, baking, finger painting (homemade finger paint), coloring, eating, sledding, and playing together...just a few things we accomplished.

     As soon as MoDot got their bearings straight, Missouri braced for another snow storm. Yesterday we received another 6-9 inches of snow. With this storm the snow was wetter, making it really heavy... taking down multiple power lines, and roofs on buildings. Hunter and I spend the day at my parents with wood heat and gas cook top stove. I felt bad for all those at home freezing, but with the amount of snow we got their wasn't much I could do. Hunter rode his "4-wheeler" around the house, played with grandma, napped, and even watched Taylor on the tractor plowing the driveways. We have had such a good time the past few days at home together, but I am ready to get back into our work/daycare routine. I am not cut out for staying at home! Its hard work, and to many expectations! We are supposed to get more snow over the next few days, but nothing to measurable. I love looking at it, and even driving wasn't to bad this morning.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Aspen 2013

I've made the trip to Aspen Colorado countless times...I think around 10! Every time it brings back the happiest times of my childhood. Every other year since I was 5, my Dads side of the family would spend 2 weeks of the summer there. Now that the majority of the cousins are grown, and able to ski we have started going in the winter for a few days.
This year 26 of us made the trip. This was also Hunter's first trip to the mountains, making it extra special. Yes he's only 15 months but I was so excited to share this place with him. I was also very nervous about the drive...being that its about a 15 hour drive, with the majority of it Kansas! I am sorry but he has a bad rep for road trips, making me a crazy nervous wreak before we left! I has several people praying for a peaceful trip, and that the entertainment and sleep angels would be with Hunter during the trip.
As we left around bedtime Wednesday night, Hunter was absolutely amazing! He only cried a few times, and as my mom said it was only when one of us truly wanted to scream. He watched a movie (which the TV has never occupied his mind for more then 5 min), played cars, played with his flash light, slept a lot, and ate. We where all amazed and so very thankful at how well he was both going and coming home!
While there we skied a couple days, shopped, enjoyed evenings sitting by the fire and ice skating, good food, and card games with family. Our time in Aspen...while never long enough was wonderful!

To those that have never been to Aspen, it's a quite little town at about 8,000 feet above sea level, with about 33 inches of snow at the base with I hear some of the best skiing, expensive shopping, really good food, and if your lucky a celebrity or two. If you ever get the chance to go...go, it's truly is an amazing experience.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Marching for our Miracles 2013

      The Annual March for Babies Walk is just around the corner (May 5th). This will be my 3rd year walking. In Fact: The 1st walk I participated in, I was only 6 weeks pregnant with Hunter. Little did I know how much the March of Dimes would effect my pregnancy and delivery. Last year our team raised over $300, this year I plan to blow that out of the water! 

      The March of Dimes supported the research for surfactant therapy created in 1980. Without this therapy thousands of babies just like Hunter wouldn't have had a chance at life! Among other things such as supporting newborn screenings, folic acid education, and saving lives, The March of Dimes has been a huge support center for NICU parents and families. You wouldn't believe the impact the March of Dimes has had on YOUR life... Just check it out here. 

     I would be honored to have you as a part of our team, though your support we can conquer prematurity. If you do not live in the Columbia MO area, your donation would be greatly appreciated! Please use the icon on the right of the page to donate or join our team today! I am always open if you have any questions about The March of Dimes, and it's huge impact on our lives.

March of Dimes Walk 2012

Thursday, February 7, 2013


          Just a few days late, but wanted to share a few things we/Hunter did in January. It's truly amazing how much and how fast he is changing and learning! It was kind of a busy month for us. Most weekend filed with fun and chores, and week days with little play and some nights little sleep. Hunter, Taylor and I were all sick for a couple weeks, so that was a new adventure. I knew having a sick baby was hard, but when we were sick on top of that (Miserable)!.
        I feel like Hunter has grown so much over this month. He is now crawling and climbing everywhere, talking non-stop, and loving life. He is just the happiest baby (as long as momma's around). I don't mind though, he is such a love bug. Learned to blow kisses a few weeks again talk about melting your heart! His favorite foods are "cracker" and "ap-ple" (which when he says app, he really means he wants a banana). It was really quite frustrating for both of us before his language development (and still is sometimes), but just knowing a few words has made all the difference. He can at least ask for things he wants or needs now. He is still not walking...which in the #1 questions everyone is asking... but "nope not yet:. He likes to be held and just learned how crawl in December, so I am really not worried. He is so active, I don't think he wants to slow down to learn how.

Playing with Blakley, H can almost keep up now!

All Boy! Riding his 4-wheeler, riding the tractor with Grandpa, 
and playing in cloths baskets with Jack!

 Love this little man so much!!