Friday, February 7, 2014

Top Five on Friday

   While everyone else is wishing Winter away, I will welcome it with welcome arms. In order to fully be thankful for Spring and Summer you have to appreciate all the seasons. Each serves a purpose and reminds us of the circle of life. We have had a few days this week below 0*, and I have been thanking the Lord for the extreme cold to kill off the excess insects, flees, and especially mosquitoes. With weather like we have been having we may be able to enjoy those warm humid months a little more without billions of bugs zoning in on us enjoying the outdoors.


Hunter and Rylee February 2013 & 2014
Hunter and "Baby Macey"

2. We got snow and lots of it! Tuesday we got about 10", and it made my winter complete! I got to enjoy 2 snow days with Hunter.
Feeding cows took a little longer than usual.

3. Lots of sleading, baking, coloring, and mess making

5. Favorite recipe of the week.
This Cheesy Wheat Beer Bread

4. Favorite picture of the week
Those eyes will get you every time

Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekend Recap

    I am I the only one who feels they are working/living for the weekend? I am not a fan of this feeling, but its true!

   Saturday morning we woke up to about a 1/2 inch of ice. We had plans for the day and they immediately got canceled after Taylor tried to get out of our driveway and ended up in the ditch. The Fireman were forced to cancel their dance so therefore our date night was no more.
I was in the kitchen most of the day while Taylor and Hunter played, watched movies, and napped. Being in the kitchen is truly a therapy for me. I enjoyed perfecting my cranberry orange shortbread scone recipe and also threw together a beef stew and whole wheat cheesy beer bread. All of which I will post recipes soon (as soon as my pictures will upload). We did hitch a ride to my parents later in the day to get flour and for Taylor to help my dad get the ice under control so feeding could go smooth Sunday morning. Although we didn't get a date night, we did enjoy an evening inside playing and eating a great meal with our little man!
Note: It pays to be a country girl... this was our ride Saturday (my dad).

        Sunday after feeding we packed up and went to the in laws for a day of eating, playing, eating some more, and of course watching the big game.

I hope your weekend was fun and safe!
Here's to another week of snow and cold weather... and I am not complaining! 
Happy Monday!
My drive this morning