Wednesday, September 18, 2013

22 months

       Not sure if I have said this before, but our baby isn't a baby anymore. Hunter has truly amazed me the last few months. He has turned into a full blown toddler. The things he understands and can remember simply put me in awe. He now remembers things that happened over a week, and somethings over a month ago! Like specific things like the cardinal taking a bath in the bird bath at nana's... He remembers it like it was yesterday (it was almost 2 months ago). He then will relate the cardinal to the cardinal I have on my STL turvis. Just crazy to me what he absorbs, and how fast he is learning. 
      He knows the difference between a tractor, combine, and a farm truck along with the difference between cars, trucks, buses, bikes, and "big trucks". I know these are obvious thing, but it has been so fun watching his little brain spin. Last night we were over at nana and papas and I asked Hunter "what's your name", And hunter said "name is Hunter". Papa said "you sure are sharp", and hunter just grinned! He has started singing along with me, in the evening when we sing bedtime songs and old hymns ( honestly because I don't know an lullabies).
       He asks for hugs and kisses all the time now, and it melts my heart! He's got the softest heart, hardest head, and most determined personality. He gets mad when you tell him no, just like another child, but it doesn't last long before he's on to something else. He never stops thinking about others, and wants to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be ( in his mind). Every night we pray for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. And every night he picks someone different to focus on. Last night he said "Hol-ly Blak-ey savf and helphie" (Holly Blakley safe and healthy). If he sees and child crying, he will walk up to them, and sometime will touch them, just to make sure they are ok. 
     We did have some sleep issues last week. I think it was a combination of Taylor and I both being gone the week before, and too much going on. It seemed like he was scared to sleep, and when he did fall asleep he would start screaming, like it was a night terror or something. We seemed to have fixed it, by getting back on our normal routine, taking milk away from dinner, and adding more books and prayer to bedtime. He seems to be sleeping good now.
    I could go on and on about how wonderful I think Hunter is. We are truly blessed beyond comprehension! 
1st trip to the river and on a boat (he loved every second of it)

Random pictures (i haven't been the best at taking pictures this summer)
Top is playing with gaga at her new camp site, bottom left is a quick pic I took at our high school homecoming last week, and bottom right is H just playing in our back yard (that's his "cheese" face)

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