Friday, January 31, 2014

Top Five on Friday

 This is my first link up post and I hope its not my last. This week I have challenged myself to enjoy every moment of life, even the stressful times! I did fairly well and here are my favoite memories from the week.

1.Hunter slept in his bed all night for the first time since October! It was glorious to sleep without an elbow in my ear or a foot in my face. I love the little guy, but so thankful for a peaceful night sleep.

2. To encourage me to enjoy every moment I started a 30 day photo challenge. I am hoping this also forces me to pick up my camera and capture life's little moments. Day 1-photo of me and child

3. Taylor has been working late at the fire station this week, which has allowed me some one on one play time with Hunter. So thankful for that candid time, just doing whatever he wanted to do.

4.This sunrise....

5. Taylor and I have a date night of sorts tomorrow night. Its the Fireman's Annual Sweetheart Dance. So fun and a night out is needed.


  1. {Visiting from H54F} Hooray for your little man sleeping in his own bed all night! :) The snapshot of you two is so precious!! What an absolutely breathtaking sunrise!! Praise God for the beauty of His creation!! Enjoy your date night! Fun, fun!!

    1. Stopping back by to thank you for the sweet comment you left me, Amanda! It was so nice to "meet" you via the link up yesterday :) I was hoping to follow you {via GFC, bloglovin', or email}, but I don't see a means to. I will be back to enjoy your future posts though. ;) Wishing you a fantastic weekend!!

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