Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2 Years and Counting...

     Yesterday was our 2 Year Wedding Anniversary! Wow 2 years, although some would say it feels like yesterday, sometimes I feel it was more then 2 years ago. So many things have happened in the past 2 years: several vacations, job switches, a masters degree, pregnancy, bed rest, and A BABY! All of which bringing a new adjustment period. I see that we have done much of that with a smile on our face and a good outlook. Our trick is supporting each other in every decision, even when one of us gets the bad deal end of the deal. 
     Taylor is a very kind and caring husband, and also the best father a little boy could have. He tries very hard to put Hunter and I first in life, and is always making me feel loved and very special. Although he was out of town yesterday, so we couldn't celebrate together. He knew the way to my heart and to make me feel like he was here all day.
     Mid morning I received this beautiful bouquet of flowers: Which has made my office smell amazing!

     And Mid Afternoon I received a dozen cookies from "Hot Box", and.... SHAKESPEAR'S PIZZA!! Our favorite pepperoni, black olives, mushrooms, artichokes, extra cheese, on whole wheat crust!! I was beaming with excitement. He knows the way to my heart is really though my stomach:) And although I didn't get a pictures... anyone from mid-Missouri can imagine my delight! 

   Over all the day was great... yes I had to work and yes Taylor was away, but I had the most handsome dinner date to eat my yummy pizza with.
 Waving to Daddy!

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart! Here's to many many more!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to try that combo next time I order from there - sounds yummy! And the bouquet of flowers is absolutely beautiful! I can only imagine how wonderful they smelled :)
