Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hunter is 17 months!

         Although I do wish time could slow down most days, I enjoy watching how much he changes daily. One day I just picked him up from daycare and he was no longer a baby. He is so fun to be around, and he knows he's funny. He laughs at just about anything we say, talks no stop. He has started saying full sentences of complete gibberish ( I love it) while also trying to repeat every word we say. He is so close to walking, it's driving me crazy! He can climb off and on things, around and under things, and if encouraged enough he will stand for a couple seconds without holding on! I can only hope he remains this cautious through his childhood. He will eat anything put in front of him, but his favorite is graham crackers and bananas. He loves being outside, and most days has a fit when we come in. Like any other farm boy he enjoys tractors, trucks, cows, dogs, chickens, and of course dirt. Even will say boooo for a cow and wack wack for a duck. It's crazy how much he absorbs and learns so quickly now. We started swim lessons a few weeks ago, and he of course loves the water. Started going under this week, and getting in and out of the pool. He enjoys it for the most part, just a lot of distractions around the pool. Ready for summer swimming at the lake and even the ocean.
Hunter is such a kind hearted child. He truly aims to please and love. He loves to share his toys and even food:) He gets his feelings hurt easy, but forgives just as quick. There's such innocence about him, that hate to see him grow up and see the bad things in life. There's so much hope, wonder, and love in a child's eyes. It's hard not to wonder what it would like if we all had that hope and love, what the world would be like.

Playng in the mud with Grandpa, on the Gator, in the park, and opening his Easter Basket

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