On September 30th (27 weeks) I woke up thinking I
had wet the bed, and tried to go back to sleep almost knowing the back of my
head something was wrong. That morning I noticed some spotting and knew I
needed to see my OB. I work at an OB/GYN
office so I went to see her when I got to work. She did a quick ultrasound and
confirmed my water had broken and the baby had no measurable fluid. I was
immediately admitted and put on magnesium for 12 hours (which made me feel
terrible). Also got 2 doses of steroid in 24 hours to help the baby’s lung
develop and little faster. Thankfully I wasn’t having any contractions,
cramping, or bleeding. We were really
scared but baby was doing great! The doctors said the first 24 hours were
critical, they said if I was going to go into labor it would happen then. If
not I would be in the hospital on strict bed rest until I was 34 weeks. While we waited the NICU team came and talked
to us about what would happen if I did deliver then, and what the baby would
look like. This helped prepare us for the worse.
I made it the 24 hours than a week then 6 more weeks without
infection or delivery. I read everything
in reach about PPROM (Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes), what to do on bed rest, and how to keep infection away. All I wanted was to read a success story like
mine to give me hope. I knew God had a plan for us, and knew we just needed to
trust in him and know his plan was far better than we could imagine. The 7 week
hospital stay seemed like it would never end, especially weekends went by the
slowest. My husband stayed with me 5 nights a week and my mom the other 2, I
was too scared to be left alone at night for fear I would go into labor and
they would be 30 min away. The doctors referred the hospital bed rest as worse
than jail, because at least in jail you got to go outside and play. My husband and I spent our first anniversary
eating Lonestar takeout salads and cake our parents brought us. Our anniversary
was also the first time in 3 weeks I got to go outside, it was a beautiful fall
day (you forget how good fresh air smells and feels)!
Twice a day I had an NST (non stress test) this looks at the
baby’s heart rate amount of accelerations and decelerations in 20 min. Once a
week we went for an ultrasound BPP (biophysical profile) this looked at the
baby’s lung development, growth, and fluid level. Each week our fluid level
increased at one point I had 10.3 cm, the lowest we had was 3 cm. I drank water
until I felt like I could float, and really stayed in bed except to shower and
use the bathroom. I still leaked fluid continuously and had several gushes a
week. We set small goals just to get to the next week, even though our end goal
was 34 weeks, I just wanted to get past 30 then 32! Our induction date was
finally set for November 17th (34 weeks), this gave me an end point
and allowed us to get excited. We knew we were having a boy, but had kept the
name a secret.
On Thursday November 17th after 50 days on bed
rest I was induced with pitocin at 8:00am. I started labor at 2 cm dilated and
50% effaced, and told that it could be a long process and even take days! I
immediately started contracting, I really wanted to walk around but couldn’t
really due to the IVs. Labor went pretty slow at 4:00pm I was 4 cm and 80%, the
pain was starting to get intense. My goal was to have a natural delivery
without pain medication, and I still think I could have if I hadn’t started
throwing up, then I could never catch my breath. I did receive an epidural at 6:30pm
when I hadn’t progressed any and was not getting enough oxygen (the baby’s
heart rate was dropping during contractions). At 9:30 I started feeling a lot
of pressure, and was getting really uncomfortable. The nurse came and checked
me hoping I had progressed but nothing! So we wait. At 10:20pm my doctor came
by to check on me in between a couple c sections and I told her how I was
feeling, so she checked me. I was fully dilated and the baby was crowning. They called the NICU team, and requested them
to get there STAT. My doctor actually held the baby’s head in until the NICU
team got there. As soon as they walked
through the door at 10:26pm without pushing Hunter Dean was born weighing 5 lbs
1 oz 18 ½ inches long and crying. Taylor did get to cut
the umbilical cord, I didn’t get to hold him but the doctor held him up so I
could see his face. Taylor was able to go straight to the NICU with Hunter and
kept sending me pictures on our phones of him and letting me know how he was.
The worst part of everything was not being able to go see Hunter because I had
to let the epidural wear off before I went anywhere. It was hard with everyone else getting to
see him when I had to wait, even though I got to hear how he was doing and who
he looked like. I finally got to see him at 4:30am, and even got to be the
first one to hold him. It was so hard with all the wires and looking at his
face he looked so peaceful but almost scared. He was still on the ventilator
and not liking it one bit. Later that
day was much better only the cpap and an IV. Throughout the next day we went
back and forth from the NICU trying to be with him every chance we got. While
the nurses seemed optimistic about him coming home that week, the doctors on
the other hand were not they would say “we hope to have him home by his due
date”. This made me crazy… 6 weeks from now! I don’t think so!
I was released to go home on the 19th (Saturday
morning). It was so bittersweet… after
52 days in the hospital I
didn’t remember what home looked like
much less what is felt like. It was so hard to leave Hunter but knew it wasn’t
for long. We stopped by to see him a last time before we left and to get the
latest update on how he was doing. He was progressing right on track and hoped
to be off oxygen by Sunday night, and starting his tube feedings increasing 3cc
every 3 hours up to 41cc (the goal to go home).
A few hours after Hunter was born |
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5 days old...first time wearing cloths |
Hunter’s NICU Story
11/17/11 Thursday, Hunter was born at 10:26pm weighing 5lbs
1 oz., went straight to the NICO to be put on the ventilator. Fortunately he
was only on the vent for 8 hours. I got to hold him for the first time at
4:30am (11/18)
11/18 Friday, Only has the cannula set on level 2. No
infection and has stopped preventative antibiotics. Gained 1oz. now 5.2lbs. Taylor got to change
his diaper for the first time. At midnight I got to hold him for an hour and he
did awesome!
11/20 Saturday, I came home. Hunter looked great when we
left the hospital, and getting 6ml of BM every 3 hours. This will increase by
3ml every 3rd feeding up to the goal of 48ml every 3 hours to come
11/21 Sunday, Cannula is now set a level 1, and doing great.
Even pulling the cannula out and sucking on the pacifier really well. Dr. did
pick up a heart murmur, but not concerned at all as most preemies have this. He
weighs 4.13 after a “big poop”. Eating 21 ml every 3 hours though tube. He has
held his body temp for 24 hours now so will move to an open crib soon. Billi
level is a little low, so they have him under the lights as a precaution. I think
he likes it, he looks so relaxed and happy. He will come off the IV fluid
tonight, since he is getting enough BM.
11/22 Monday, Hunter is progressing great! Got to feed him
his first bottle this morning, and he ate it all! No oxygen or IVs are needed
now. Only has a feeding tube for when he’s too tired to eat.
11/23 Tuesday, Today he has eaten every other feeding from a
bottle and doing great, but the want to give him 1 more day at every other,
because they think it wearing him out. Everything else is great, gaining weight
like he should.
11/24 Wednesday, I spent all day with him from 9-4. I got to
breastfeed him for the first time, and he did great. Later I fed him a bottle
and got some of his DC paperwork done, so we are ready when he is ready to go
11/25 Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving! And happy 1 week! We
stopped by for a short visit before we left town for the holiday. Taylor held
him the entire time, and read him a thanksgiving story. He is eating every
bottle at a little over 2 oz. We will stay the night tomorrow, and bring him
home Saturday.
11/26 Friday, Hunter had his circumcision done this morning.
We got there late afternoon, and were taken to a room on the peds floor for the
night. It seemed like the longest night of my life! Hunter and I didn’t sleep
at all. The bed so horrible uncomfortable, and Taylor had to sleep in a tiny
Finally going home! |
11/27 Saturday, After 9 days Hunter gets to come home!!
During the long discharge process Taylor went to Wal-Mart to get some last min
things. Finally around 11ish we are set to go. It’s was rainy cold day, and I
have my 1st baby shower when we got home. So I will also be leaving
Hunter at home on his first day home!
Taylor of course did great, and can’t wait to watch Hunter grow and enjoy him. The
best is yet to come
If anyone is reading this, looking for hope and has questions please contact me! I've been down that road, when all you want to hear is a "happily ever after" story.
I am forever grateful for the friends and family that prayed with us, and for us during this time! And most of all for Gods unending love for us. He truly blessed us with a true miracle!
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