Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hunter 2 1/2 Years

            My little man is now 2 1/2 years old. So much going on in his life right now, and he is just as awesome as ever. Hunter has never done something gradual. He went from army crawl to walking, from walking to climbing, and from diapers to underwear. Everyone of these took only a few days tops. 2 weeks ago (Friday May 23rd) Hunter decided he no longer would wear diapers. We had been suggesting the potty several times, but nothing had been consistent or had I even thought about giving up the diapers yet. At home he was going on the potty several times during the evening and thought it was fun to go outside. I told him that's fine, but if you pee in your pants you have to put the diaper back on. I told Jenn that morning when I took H to daycare, it was ultimately up to her. If she didn't feel comfortable then H would wear a diaper. When I picked him up that day, he had only worn a diaper for nap time with zero other accidents!! I was shocked, proud, and honestly in a little disbelief. Since that day 2 weeks ago, we have only used a handful of diapers for nap a few days, of course at night, with only a few accidents.
             Now, I never pushed him to be "potty trained". It might have been one of my best decisions, not to push him. If I would have pushed him or done it on my time, it would not have happened. It was totally his time and idea, I just went a long with it. I then figured it would be several months before I would suggest waking up at night to go pee, and possibly not using a diaper at night...boy was I wrong! 2 nights ago he woke up twice to go pee, and did it again last night. I am again shocked and amazed at how fast this is all happening. It was an odd feeling packing up all of our cloth diapers over the weekend, and even more odd to not see them hanging in the sun on the deck. I never imagined in a million years that it would be this easy. I still expect bumps and accidents along the way, but I think the hard part might just be over and for that I am thankful it wasn't that hard. 

            On another note... Hunter is more active then ever. His favorite things right now are playing in the mud, reading books, and picking produce from our garden. He is so helpful, sweet, loving, and kind. He loves big hugs and argues with me when I say "I love you" he will repeatedly say "I love you" back. His favorite person in the world is "Gaga", and he will cry uncontrollably if she leaves when he doesn't want her too. He of course like any other 2 year old has him moments of fits and tears, but overall he is happy and sweet! I am truly so blessed to have him as my son, he amazes me everyday!!