Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hunter 2 1/2 Years

            My little man is now 2 1/2 years old. So much going on in his life right now, and he is just as awesome as ever. Hunter has never done something gradual. He went from army crawl to walking, from walking to climbing, and from diapers to underwear. Everyone of these took only a few days tops. 2 weeks ago (Friday May 23rd) Hunter decided he no longer would wear diapers. We had been suggesting the potty several times, but nothing had been consistent or had I even thought about giving up the diapers yet. At home he was going on the potty several times during the evening and thought it was fun to go outside. I told him that's fine, but if you pee in your pants you have to put the diaper back on. I told Jenn that morning when I took H to daycare, it was ultimately up to her. If she didn't feel comfortable then H would wear a diaper. When I picked him up that day, he had only worn a diaper for nap time with zero other accidents!! I was shocked, proud, and honestly in a little disbelief. Since that day 2 weeks ago, we have only used a handful of diapers for nap a few days, of course at night, with only a few accidents.
             Now, I never pushed him to be "potty trained". It might have been one of my best decisions, not to push him. If I would have pushed him or done it on my time, it would not have happened. It was totally his time and idea, I just went a long with it. I then figured it would be several months before I would suggest waking up at night to go pee, and possibly not using a diaper at night...boy was I wrong! 2 nights ago he woke up twice to go pee, and did it again last night. I am again shocked and amazed at how fast this is all happening. It was an odd feeling packing up all of our cloth diapers over the weekend, and even more odd to not see them hanging in the sun on the deck. I never imagined in a million years that it would be this easy. I still expect bumps and accidents along the way, but I think the hard part might just be over and for that I am thankful it wasn't that hard. 

            On another note... Hunter is more active then ever. His favorite things right now are playing in the mud, reading books, and picking produce from our garden. He is so helpful, sweet, loving, and kind. He loves big hugs and argues with me when I say "I love you" he will repeatedly say "I love you" back. His favorite person in the world is "Gaga", and he will cry uncontrollably if she leaves when he doesn't want her too. He of course like any other 2 year old has him moments of fits and tears, but overall he is happy and sweet! I am truly so blessed to have him as my son, he amazes me everyday!! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Spring Recap/Photo Dump

Spring is one of my favorite seasons. It's a time to renew from winter with a fresh start and the prefect time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. Here are just a few things we have done.
My first KC Royals game! So fun, wish I would have taken more pictures

Jack and Hunter at "tons of trucks"

Hunter's first very own ice cream cone
...we paid for this and the candy he had prior very dearly that afternoon. 

Still my favorite time of the day. 

Craft camp with mom was a blast

Playing in the mud...an everyday thing.

March for Babies Walk, Stephens Lake Park 

Planting the garden

Helping Gaga and Papa build his playhouse 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hunter says part 2

They say toddlers say the most random things... its true. Hunter is so witty, funny, and quick. I hope he continues to have a since of humor and may he find joy in making others smile.

A couple weeks ago we were walking into my inlaws house and my mother in law says to Hunter "Theres my sweet boy", and Hunter responds quick as ever "I am Mommy's boy!" -melted my heart

We are in the midst of potty training and he gets a jelly bean if he goes pee on the potty, but the other day he had an alternate scenrio.
"My don't go pee on potty, get a bean??? How bout that?" The way he said "how bout that", made me laugh out loud and just gave him a hug. Then he just laughed!

Everyday when I pick him up from daycare he has the same story with out me asking...
"Had a good day" Then if I ask him what he ate? "Beeto (burrito) and green beans... so good"

He has started figuring out the moon/sun rotation, and we where driving home a few days ago watching the sunset and he immediately asked "wheres the moon". If he see it he will try so hard to reach it and asks us to reach it. 

My birthday was a couple weeks ago, and I was out of town for work. All the week before Hunter kept saying he was going to make me a cake (we come from a long line of cake bakers, so he knows whats going on). I got home late the day after my birthday. Hunter was standing at the back door waiting for me, and was so excited to show me the cake "My made you cake mommy!!!" and sure enough my mom had "helped" him make a cake. Not sure if he was more excited to eat cake or that mommy was home.

The next few are really innopropriate, but I still don't want to forget them.

We have each had a nasty stomach virus lately, and poor little guy is over the diarreha. He gets so frustrated and I know it hurts. Yesterday he told Nana (his great grandma) "My butt keeps throwing up... I don't like it".

Each night I ask Hunter what he wants to pry for and what hes thankful for. Usually its Gaga, beetos, other people he came across during the day, or something else random like "thankful for my penis...my penis go night night now?" all I can say is yes.

My silliest little man trying to wink...LOL

Friday, February 7, 2014

Top Five on Friday

   While everyone else is wishing Winter away, I will welcome it with welcome arms. In order to fully be thankful for Spring and Summer you have to appreciate all the seasons. Each serves a purpose and reminds us of the circle of life. We have had a few days this week below 0*, and I have been thanking the Lord for the extreme cold to kill off the excess insects, flees, and especially mosquitoes. With weather like we have been having we may be able to enjoy those warm humid months a little more without billions of bugs zoning in on us enjoying the outdoors.


Hunter and Rylee February 2013 & 2014
Hunter and "Baby Macey"

2. We got snow and lots of it! Tuesday we got about 10", and it made my winter complete! I got to enjoy 2 snow days with Hunter.
Feeding cows took a little longer than usual.

3. Lots of sleading, baking, coloring, and mess making

5. Favorite recipe of the week.
This Cheesy Wheat Beer Bread

4. Favorite picture of the week
Those eyes will get you every time

Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekend Recap

    I am I the only one who feels they are working/living for the weekend? I am not a fan of this feeling, but its true!

   Saturday morning we woke up to about a 1/2 inch of ice. We had plans for the day and they immediately got canceled after Taylor tried to get out of our driveway and ended up in the ditch. The Fireman were forced to cancel their dance so therefore our date night was no more.
I was in the kitchen most of the day while Taylor and Hunter played, watched movies, and napped. Being in the kitchen is truly a therapy for me. I enjoyed perfecting my cranberry orange shortbread scone recipe and also threw together a beef stew and whole wheat cheesy beer bread. All of which I will post recipes soon (as soon as my pictures will upload). We did hitch a ride to my parents later in the day to get flour and for Taylor to help my dad get the ice under control so feeding could go smooth Sunday morning. Although we didn't get a date night, we did enjoy an evening inside playing and eating a great meal with our little man!
Note: It pays to be a country girl... this was our ride Saturday (my dad).

        Sunday after feeding we packed up and went to the in laws for a day of eating, playing, eating some more, and of course watching the big game.

I hope your weekend was fun and safe!
Here's to another week of snow and cold weather... and I am not complaining! 
Happy Monday!
My drive this morning

Friday, January 31, 2014

Top Five on Friday

 This is my first link up post and I hope its not my last. This week I have challenged myself to enjoy every moment of life, even the stressful times! I did fairly well and here are my favoite memories from the week.

1.Hunter slept in his bed all night for the first time since October! It was glorious to sleep without an elbow in my ear or a foot in my face. I love the little guy, but so thankful for a peaceful night sleep.

2. To encourage me to enjoy every moment I started a 30 day photo challenge. I am hoping this also forces me to pick up my camera and capture life's little moments. Day 1-photo of me and child

3. Taylor has been working late at the fire station this week, which has allowed me some one on one play time with Hunter. So thankful for that candid time, just doing whatever he wanted to do.

4.This sunrise....

5. Taylor and I have a date night of sorts tomorrow night. Its the Fireman's Annual Sweetheart Dance. So fun and a night out is needed.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thankful Thursday

    I am going to start by saying, winters are hard on us as a family not only financially (Taylor's laid off), but emotionally and physically. This year seems harder for some reason, it seems we can never prepare enough. But in light of knowing it could be worse I want to take the time to count my blessings, and name them one by one.
I am thankful for...
-Our warm home
-My loving husband, whom sometimes lets the little things get to him during the winter
-For our amazing, healthy, smart, and funny little man who doesn't care what we have or don't have
-My parents for being supportive and for being our grocery store some days (Mom, thanks for the taco seasoning last night!)
-Our Jobs... and although Taylor is laid off now, we know he has a job waiting on him come March.
-The rest of our Family, knowing you have our back makes the day so much more peaceful.
-Our Friends, God only knows where we would be without you! You have been our rock lately.
- And most of all God's love and promise of providing for us if we just trust in him
  "Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
-Genesis. 28:15

Sunrise this morning...didn't last long but it was beautiful!

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him."
-Psalm 28:7

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hunter says...

A few things Hunter is saying right now that I don't want to forget.

-When we drive by a large hill, ditch, or creek
"Danger bump mommy...OK?" "Becareful mom that's a danger bump"

-When going to bed at night he trys just about everything to get out of going to bed. And recently he has started wanting a thousand hungs and kisses from Daddy before bed.
We will be walking back to his bed, and he will run back to Taylor and say "hug hug hug" and kiss kiss kiss" Its the cutest especially when we says "love you too daddy". He does this at least 3 times before we finally say "Last hug and kiss for the night".

-This past weekend we fed cows each morning with my Dad and Taylor. Each morning we would ask Hunter what he wanted to do today? and his response was always "Fed Cows". We had to tell him the cows where sleeping this morning, so he would leave quietly with me for daycare. Hes been told he can fed them on Friday, and I know he won't forget it.
Feeding cow is almost like a science experiment. Lots of measuring and weighing for several hundred cows. 

Bapa and Hunter going to fed in the fed truck

*I know I have said it before, but watching and hearing his language develop is truly so gratifying. He is so smart, and really does remember everything. His sentences are really starting to form, and becoming more clear. It been so cool to listen to him and now have conversations. Hunter has always been sensitive to discipline, yelling, and stress. He can detect each and if something is bothering him he will tell you about it. If someone looks at him cross or even deepens their voice he comes close to crying. He truly has a soft heart and wants everyone happy and smiling all the time.
Reading to Nana with Papa's glasses

Friday, January 3, 2014

What I have learned and What I hope to in 2014

    2013 was a great year. One with a ton of great happy moments, and lots of sad trying times also. It was a learning year for our family. We are learning to trust and confide in each other, become the best parents we know how to be, and to love each other unconditionally. All of these things we knew how to do, but learning them on a deeper level is so important for a family. Our greatest lesson was learned toward the end. We learned how to completely trust in the lord, we knew how and why we need to trust, but maybe haven't mastered letting it all go, but we are close. The lord knows the path that we choose before it is taken, he knows the good and the bad outcomes, and he is beside us the entire time! Psalms 139: 16 is my reminder that I truly have no control of my outcomes, all I can do is trust that the Lord does, and he will prepare me for them.

Psalm 139:13-16

13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;[a]
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them

       I have never set New Year Resolutions before, and I don't intent too. Of course I would like to loose wight, give more offen, and be super mom/wife, but I know that other things will need to come first. I am making small goals for myself, and posting them here to hold myself accountable.
1. Slow down!... Enjoy the small stuff and be thankful for what I have.
2. Express my gratitude for what God has given us.
3. Focus on being a good friend/listener and in that focus on my true friends.
3. Learn to be the best wife I can.
4. Accept the fact I am not "supper mom" and that Hunter is only small for a short time.
5. Enjoy life.. laugh and love everyday for tomorrow is never a promise.