Friday, November 22, 2013

Dear Hunter, (I can't belive you are 2)

Dear Hunter,

         Happy 2nd Birthday Big Boy! You simply bring more happiness to your daddy and me, than we could have ever imagined. This past year has been the best yet! You finally learned to walk at 18 months, and just a few days ago started running with a little more grace. Your language is far above others your age, and your personality is so much brighter than most. You talk all the time, and repeat EVERYTHING we say. You love animals and being outside!You enjoy dancing and singing along with cat in the hat. You are energetic, sometimes loud, loving, and sensitive. You enjoy being the center of attention (and we let you).

         Your favorite things right now are tractors, trucks, trains, and combines. Your favorite toy is your power wheel tractor. You still and always have enjoyed reading books to mommy, and for mommy to read to you. We read several books a night, and you have started repeating the words. Just last night we read “Old Hat New Hat” and you repeated every word and laughed at the end. 
        Your two year appointment was a few days ago, you weigh 30lbs and 35 1/2 inches. I am so proud and excited to say that for the first time ever you are above the 50 percentile at 84% for height and 74% for weight. 
        You enjoy your food and snacks. I am not sure you have a favorite food right now, because you will literally eat anything we give you. You have started asking for ketchup and mustard to dip things in and you go to the fridge and beg for pickles and green olives. Chocolate still doesn't agree with you and well really sweets in general are not good to you. In moderation sweets are OK, but you rarely get to have a bite of something chocolate, as you will cry for hours.

       You are so sweet, kind and caring toward everyone. When another child is crying you will stand by them until you know they are ok. Although you are still a little boy, that gets in trouble frequently for getting into things you are still an amazing child.  I pray you continue to be as sweet, kind, and caring as you are now with wisdom, strength, and courage to follow your dreams whatever they may be.Being your mom is an honor I take pride in it and always will. We are so thankful for the joy and happiness you bring to our life, and of course all the lessons learned.

Love you Always and Forever!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

From 1 to "2"

Hunter turned 2 over the weekend, and it got me thinking how much changes over the course of a year with a little one. Heck within a couple month he went from a baby to a walking talking little boy. Hunter has serously brought us so much joy and happiness throughout the past year. Neatness to say Hunter was not an easy baby nor very flexible.  But though the year he grew a lot healthier, flexible (sometimes), and of course smarter.
With H everything and everyone he comes in contact with has a place, and he will let you know if you or something is out of place.
We have a pretty srict bedtime of 7:30pm, he takes a good nap during the day and awake by 7 each morning. He loves his daycare and all the kids! 
He loves to make people laugh even though he knows he will get in trouble. Talks literally non stop even in his sleep. Knows what seems like every sound, and repeats everything you say....husband with no filter=child that will get in trouble with momma for saying bad words. He is still a great eater, and eats just about everything we give him! He is adapting climbing skills in climbing over the bed railing, on to counters, and over couches. Most days it's a "catch me if you can" look from him before he gets in trouble. Although we are still telling him NO  a lot, he really gets upset when he realizes he did do something wrong, and breaks his heart when he notices he may of hurt someone. He's quick to say I am sorry and gives big hugs after. 

I am sure I will think of other things I want to remember like idk he just went though 3 shoe sizes in 5 months! And he's almost 3ft tall (I will update specifics after his appointment tomorrow). For now here are a few pictures from his birthday party.

*I want to thank one of my best friends for taking most of these pictures! No way would I have been able to capture these memories! Also thank you again for helping me all day and decorating the cupcakes! Couldn't have done it without you! 
Hunter is one blessed child to have so many friends and family that care about him!!

These are randoms from his actual birthday. Eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, relaxing watching bugs life, "driving" with help, and he top right is modeling a few b-day presents. 

No words for this one...

Found these of Taylor and I... Still can't decide who he looks like more?